We have a number of payment options at inCentre. We strive to keep our classes as affordable as possible, having top notch professional Instructors, all while maintaining a viable business in the community.
Seasonal Session Package
This is the best option if you want to commit to weekly Pilates practice. When you purchase a seasonal session package you have a space reserved for every class. The amount you pay per class is the lowest with this option. If you ever need to miss a class, you may cancel with 5 hours of class start time to retain a credit for that class. Make-up classes may be scheduled any time throughout the current session, but expire at the end of that session. Apparatus/Equipment or Suspend classes may be made up with any of our classes. Mat/Yoga classes can only be made up with a Mat/Yoga class. Purchasing a seasonal session package also allows you pre-register and reserve your spot for the next session before registration opens to the public.
Find these passes on our Mindbody scheduler:
→online store→ (season) EQ (year) → (season) EQ 1x/wk, → (season) EQ 2x/wk, → (season) EQ 3x/wk, → (season) EQ 4x/wk, → (season) EQ/Suspend 5x/wk
→online store→ (season) Mat (year) → (season) Mat 1x/wk, → (season) Mat 2X/wk
(1, 5, 10, 20)
These are like an online punch-pass. Passes allow the greatest flexibility for those that have varying availability for classes. We have passes available for apparatus/equipment (EQ) or mat and yoga (Mat/Yoga) Passes are valid for 6 months (5 pass) or 1 year (10, 20 pass) from the date of purchase, and may be used for any of our weekly classes throughout the year. Classes booked with passes can be booked after registration of Seasonal Packages is complete (this time is usually a few days before the session begins. We always open Seasonal Session Packages first because booking one class out of 12 will negate that spot being booked for someone looking to book for the entire session.) Once passes are open for registration you are welcome to book the entire amount of your pass or use it to book as you wish. Some people look at their own schedule every week and use their pass to book accordingly (based on availability) and that works just fine. If you ever need to miss a class, you may cancel with 5 hours of the class start time to retain a credit for that class to use within the expiry period. Many of our clients that purchase the season passes cancel classes they will miss in advance allowing for spots to be open week to week in classes that may otherwise seem full. We also have a waitlist that notifies you if space has opened in a class if you add your name to the waitlist.
Find these passes on our mindbody scheduler:
→online store→ Equipment Passes →EQ Drop in, EQ 5 Pass, EQ 10 Pass, EQ 20 Pass
→online store→ Mat Passes→Mat Drop in, Mat 5 Pass, Mat 10 Pass, Mat 20 Pass